15 September 2014

Glasgow City Archive

I contacted the Glasgow City Archive (at the Mitchell Library) about the records they hold about the poor, and I asked about looking into my great-grandmother Sofija ("Sophie", "Zose", "Jessie") Kisielius, who (I suspect) was left destitute when my great-grandfather was deported to Russia under the Anglo-Russian Military Convention. They got back to me very quickly with a match, and I have ordered the books to view on-site this coming Saturday. The archivist was able to search the index and came back with this:

Year of application
Yose Kisielius

There's a couple more variants to the name. And the birth date is off by a few years, but I've got little doubt it's her. The year of application is precisely when Kazimiras would have been sent way. It's also confirms Lithuania as her birthplace, which I discovered last year, contrary to Chute's memory.

There will be more information when I go to see the actual records. This is what the archivist said:
The poor relief application contains the original petition made by the applicant, a record of the assistance provided as well as a note of any subsequent applications made. It varies from application to application as to how much information is included.

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