07 September 2014

Making Meaning

In Lithuania, a second-cousin-in-law, Vygintas, is a very talented musician and artist. He's studying at the Vilnius Art Academy for a PhD. His specialty is blending the visual with the aural. Among his very interesting projects is one where he takes famous Lithuanian poetry and literature and puts it's through a series to translations using Google Translate. He usually follows a path on a map, a journey that a person might travel, and then uses the translator to put the words into the language of each place. In the end, he translates that back into Lithuanian, and the product is almost always something of terribly corrupted grammar and greatly reduced meaning. He then records it being read and creates a score to go along with it. It's a really fascinating process, and something I found inspiring.

It reminded me of when my grandmother, a few years back, did her best to translate Kudirka's poem, the Tautiška Giesmė, that is now the anthem of Lithuania. It ended up being a really emotional moment of longing for a lost homeland -- there were tears and she could barely make it to the end. It was moving for me because I understood how much those words meant to her, and though little of the translation was grammatically or literally correct, the meaning came through strongly.

Vygintas's project inspired me to play with Kudirka's words in a way that is related to my family history. I decided to take the poem on a journey along the route that my grandparents traveled as they fled the Soviet invasion (or at least the route that I believe they traveled). I know that they fled Lithuania to Germany (Munich and a displaced persons camp in Wolterdingen). From there they eventually made it to the United States. Beginning with the original Lithuanian, I translated it into each language along the way. First from Lithuanian to Russian, to represent the first Soviet invasion in 1940; then from Russian to German, to represent the Nazi occupation from 1941 to 1944; then back to Russian, to represent the second Soviet invasion; then from Russian to Polish, Polish to Czech, and Czech to German, to represent the journey on the map they probably took; and finally I translated it into English. The result follows:

Lietuva, Tėvyne mūsų,
Tu didvyrių žeme,
Iš praeities Tavo sūnūs
Te stiprybę semia.

Tegul Tavo vaikai eina
Vien takais dorybės,
Tegul dirba Tavo naudai
Ir žmonių gėrybei.

Tegul saulė Lietuvoj
Tamsumas prašalina,
Ir šviesa, ir tiesa
Mūs žingsnius telydi.

Tegul meilė Lietuvos
Dega mūsų širdyse,
Vardan tos, Lietuvos
Vienybė težydi!
Литва, наша родина
Земля героев,
В прошлом ваши сыновья
Нарисуйте силы.

Пусть ваши дети ходят
Только пути добродетели,
Пусть они работать в вашу пользу
И благосостояние народа.

Май солнце
Изгнать всю тьму,
И свет и истина
Наши шаги.

Пусть любовь Литвы
Запись в наших сердцах
Ради тех, в Литве
Единство цвести!
Litauen, unser Vaterland
Land der Helden,
In der Vergangenheit, eure Söhne
Kraft schöpfen.

Lassen Sie Ihre Kinder gehen
Nur der Pfad der Tugend,
Lassen Sie sie zu Ihren Gunsten
Und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen.

Möge die Sonne
Verbannen Sie alle Finsternis,
Und das Licht und die Wahrheit
Unsere Schritte.

Lasst die Liebe von Litauen
Rekord in unseren Herzen
Aus Gründen der in Litauen
Einheit blühen!
Литва, наша родина
Земля Героев,
В прошлом, ваши сыновья
Рисование власть.

Пусть ваши дети
Только путь добродетели,
Оставьте их в вашу пользу
И благосостояние народа.

Май солнце
Изгнать всю тьму,
И свет и истина
Наши шаги.

Пусть любовь Литвы
Запись в наших сердцах
Ради Литве
Блок цветение!
Litwa, nasza ojczyzna
Ziemia Heroes
W przeszłości, twoi synowie
Rysunek moc.

Niech dzieci
Tylko droga cnoty,
Zostaw je na swoją korzyść
I dobrobyt ludzi.

Niech słońce
Wygnać wszelką ciemność,
I światła i prawdy
Nasze kroki.

Niech miłość Litwy
Rekord w naszych sercach
na Litwie
Zablokuj kwitną!
Litva, naše vlast
Země Heroes
V minulosti, vaši synové
Odebírá energii.

Nechte děti
Pouze způsob ctnosti,
Nechte je, aby ve svůj prospěch
A blahobyt lidí.

Nechte slunce
Vyhnat všechny tmu,
A světla a pravdy
Naše kroky.

Nechte lásku Litvy
Záznam v našich srdcích
Block květ!
Litauen, unser Vaterland
Land Helden
In der Vergangenheit, eure Söhne
Nimmt Energie.

lassen Sie die Kinder
Der einzige Weg zur Tugend,
Lassen Sie es zu Ihrem Vorteil
Eine menschliche Wohlfahrt.

lassen Sie die Sonne
Verbannen Sie alle Finsternis,
Ein Licht und Wahrheit
Unsere Schritte.

Lasst die Liebe von Litauen
Rekord in unseren Herzen
Block Blüte!
Lithuania, our homeland
country heroes
In the past, your sons
Takes energy.

let the children
The only way to virtue,
Leave it to your advantage
A human welfare.

let the sun
Banish all darkness,
A light and truth
Our steps.

Let the love of Lithuania
Record in our hearts
Block bloom!

My final step was to take this corrupted version generated by Google Translate and put it into my own English, a loose translation that represents, in a way, me trying to make sense of my cultural heritage. The whole thing is a process of meaning-making, of trying to understand the place my family came from. It represents the loss of meaning and the effect of accumulated history on culture and identity. Here it is alongside the official English version, which by the way is not a literal translation either.

Google's English

Lithuania, our homeland
country heroes
In the past, your sons
Takes energy.

let the children
The only way to virtue,
Leave it to your advantage  
A human welfare.

let the sun
Banish all darkness,
A light and truth
Our steps.

Let the love of Lithuania
Record in our hearts
Block bloom!
My English

Lithuania, our homeland!
National heroes,
In the past, your sons
were strong.

Show their children
the only way to virtue,
Your advantage will lead  
to human welfare.

Let the sun
banish all darkness,
Shine light and truth
in our footsteps.

Let the love of Lithuania
be etched in our hearts,
grow strong!
Official English

Lithuania, our homeland,
Land of heroes!
Let your sons draw their strength
From our past experience

Let your children always follow
Only roads of virtue,
May your own, mankind’s well-being
Be the goals they work for

May the sun above our land
Banish darkening clouds around
Light and truth all along
Guide our steps forever

May the love of Lithuania
Brightly burn in our hearts.
For the sake of this land
Let unity blossom.

My grandparents made sure that I knew where we came from and they made sure I grew up with the greatest pride in those roots. There's no doubt that what I understand Lithuania to be is different to those whose families never left, but it wasn't all lost. I still very much identify with my Lithuanian roots.

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