22 May 2012

Lithuanians in Scotland

Here's an interesting BBC radio story about a Lithuanian immigrant to Scotland:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00mr0rj.  The program starts about 1 minute in and is about 6 minutes long.

It mentions some interesting points that might be useful to me.  First, they entered at the port of Leith from Hamburg, Germany.  Surely, many different routes would have been used, but Leith is the logical port for coming from the Baltic.  I suspected this would have been where my ancestors entered, and while this doesn't confirm that they did, it's good to know that it's a likely possibility.

It also says that all immigrants had to report to Customs and Excise.  This is good news because it suggests that there should be a record of their entry.  If I can find that, hopefully it will answer the question of whether or not Zose and Jessie are the same person.

There is also a funny commentary about how the immigration officers changed the names of the immigrants.  Fortunately, my relatives appear to have gotten through with their names intact, making my job today considerably easier.

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