19 May 2012

Eric Rolwich

When I met Brian, Therese, Martin, and Paul at Easter they told me that it had been years since they had had any contact with their cousins or uncle Eric Rolwich.  The best they knew, Annette has passed away a few years back.

Rolwich Tree

I had been hoping that they'd be able to help me make the contact since locating anybody has proven difficult.  Unfortunately, they couldn't.  We all agreed to do some more searching.  For my part, I did some googling, facebooking, and phonebook searching, but came up empty handed.  So yesterday I decided to search at the archive for records to confirm that the others were still living.

Thankfully, it appears that they are.  I couldn't find death records for Eric, Anne, Colin, or Annette's widower Gerald.  Annette did, in fact, pass away in 2004.  I also searched a second time to see if Colin had married or had children.  To the best I can tell, he didn't.  I also couldn't find any record of Gerald re-marrying.  That means the four of them should still be around.  I'm at a bit of a loss about how to locate them, but at least we know they're out there.


  1. Update for you.

    I'm pretty sure the Gerald T Kelly you refer to is my brother. He married Annette Rolwich in the 1990s unfortunately the married ended in divorce. Sadly my brother passed away in August last year.

    Hope that's helped.

    Yours Karen Kelly

    1. Hi Karen. Thank you very much for that information, and I'm really sorry for your loss.

      You wouldn't, by chance, know anything about Eric Rolwich or how I might contact him?

  2. All I know about Eric was he worked on the Oil rigs in the 1990's

    You wouldn't happen to know how Annette passed away, very sad to hear that news.

    1. According to the record I saw, it appears to have been cancer. Sorry to bring you that bad news.

  3. That's a real shame, she was so young to. Unfortunately my brother passed away from Cancer to. If I here anything of Eric, Anne or Colin I shall let you know. Been nice corresponding with you.

    1. So young it's rather frightening!

      Thanks for the help.

    2. It's Colin Rolwich. I live in Scotland and my mother is in a care home nearby.

    3. Hi Colin! What a surprise! I'm living down in Leicester now. Trying to figure out how to message you directly without posting my email address or phone number here for everyone to see. Can you find me on Facebook or Twitter? I don't use either much, but might be a way to send a message privately.

    4. Hi Brett, Same here. I don't use Facebook or Twitter. However I will find out how to go about it to keep things private.It was nice to here from you. I hope to hear from you soon once I find out private message's or whatever it can't be that hard surely. Thanks Again.Colin.😊

    5. Hi Colin. Send me a message using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSecI4qPfYGNPajTaZN52-1PmRxS4rQDHbh7M3uSjW3wZ0GGuw/viewform

      I'll get back to you.

  4. Sorry about the silence. I have not been in touch with you because I have lost your number.
