20 May 2012

John and Jessie

A couple weeks ago, I explained my theory about John Raulinatis.  Yesterday, I tried to find some evidence to confirm it.  No such luck.  I found his birth record, but it doesn't provide any new information.

Birth:  John Raulinatis

The only other Jessie that comes up is the Jessie that married Peter, Jessie Doyle.  I thought I had found something for a moment since her death record reports her married name, Jessie Rolwich, but it's clear they're different people because of the parents listed.

Death:  Jessie Rolwich

The lack of any further record of Jessie Raulinatis leaves the possibility open that my theory might be correct - she may well be Zose Raulinitis.  But I can't be sure.  Another possibility is that they are sisters.  The census record indicates that Eva and Matthew had 3 children, but that only 2 were still living.  If the question was misunderstood, they may have reported that they had 3 children, but that only 2 were living with them. Maybe Zose was somewhere else at the time.  The only way to answer this might be to find their arrival record.  If both children are listed, then we know they're different people.  If not, then the theory may still hold.

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