01 June 2014

Tapestry Launch

It's been ages since I've written anything. And I really should have, as I even made contact with some new "long lost" relatives back at the start of March! From the Kisielius group this time. But I've been so busy trying to finish my dissertation that I've not had any time for extra writing. I'm only writing this brief post now because the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry is finally complete and the grand opening was this weekend. This is the promotional video:

Jessee and I rode our bikes out to Prestonpans where it's being displayed, just to see it. I was very excited to see the "reverse diaspora" panel of the Scottish Lithuanian community that I'd contributed ideas to. To my surprise (and dismay!) it wasn't there. There were three other panels for the Scottish communities that had settled in Lithuania, but the fourth one was missing. I'm not sure what happened, but I was very disappointed. I suspect they weren't able to find enough stitchers and it didn't get completed. A real shame. The thought crossed my mind that I should contact them and offer to do the stitching myself but, as I said, I've really been bogged down with writing - that and I have no clue how to do needlepoint!

These were the panels that they did have up:

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