01 June 2014

Photos from the Cassells

On the left is "Auntie Mary Valaitis" (actually Veronica's mother's aunt and my great-grandfather's sister, Marijona Kisieliute). This is who my grandmother used to refer to as "Mrs. Valaitis". I don't think they'd ever met, but I believe they had contact, probably through Christmas cards. Behind her to the right is "Helen", who I think is Mary's daughter, Helen Tracy. This is the person that my grandmother first told me to look for when she found out I was moving to Scotland. Unfortunately, she has passed away. The elderly woman in the middle is "Gran Kisielius", the matriarch Magde Pausziute / Kisieliene. To her right is Juozas "Joe" Valaitis and Ona Manning (Kisieliute), Veronica's mother.

Marijona, Helen, Magde, Juozas, Ona

I also made some higher resolution scans of photos I posed before. These two are Jonas Kisielius and his wife Magde Pausziute. I think they come from their alien register passbooks that Lithuanian immigrants had to carry during World War I. It's a real shame we don't have those documents!

Jonas and Magde

This is a group of steelworkers playing cards. Veronica told me the men used to go out and gamble at one of the slag heaps. She believes one of them is her grandfather Jonas.


This is a group of miners that I posted before. I still suspect that the one of the left is my great grandfather Kazimieras Kisielius, but I can't be sure. Chute didn't recognize him when I showed her the (low resolution) printout, but she couldn't see very well at the time. I'm not certain when the photo was taken, but that could probably be determined by the equipment the miners have with them. If it's from around the early 1900s, there's a good chance one of them is him.

Miners in Lanarkshire

I also made a much higher resolution (110Mb) copy of Jonas's Imperial Army passbook, a really incredible document. I hope to get some help making a second translation of it from a cousin in Lithuania when I go back there this August. Hopefully, he'll be able to get a little more detail than Veronica originally had.

I've also got a stack of other Kisielius family photos, but I'm not certain who all the people in them are yet. Once I get Veronica and Helen (Peat not Tracy) to fill in the blanks, I'll post them here.

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