01 June 2013

Jonas and Magde

After discovering that my great-grandfather's uncle might have been here in Scotland as well, I made a trip back to the Scotland's People archive to search the records yet again.  Turns out that Jonas "John" Kisielius had quite a few descendants.  As long as those Lithuanian records turn out to be correct and I am related to him, it means I have even more living relatives here in Scotland!  Here's what I found:

Jonas (abt 1867 - 1928) was married to Magde Pauziute (abt 1881 - 1958).  They married in November of 1901 in "Russia" (actually Russian-occupied Lithuania), according to several of their children's birth certificates.  They had a total of nine (!) children.  Sadly, most did not survive the early months of their lives.  This is what I've been able to find out about them so far (note that their name is mis-spelled as "Kisielus"):
  • Margaret Kisielus, no birth record found, died June 1947 aged 37.  Her death certificate indicates that she was married to Samuel Rutherford.  Her marriage certificate indicates that she had gone by Margaret "Cassells" (two Ls).
  • Albinas Kisielus, born June 1912, died Aug 1912
  • Jonas Kisielus, born Aug 1913, died Nov 1960 aged 47.  His death certificate indicates that he was married to Agnes Stewart Scammell, he had been a cabinetmaker, he died of lung cancer, and he had changed his name to "John Cassells" (two Ls).
  • Stasis Kisielus, born Apr 1915, died May 1978 aged 63.  His death certificate indicates that he was married to Tilly Venys (formerly "Wenis"), he had been a steel erector, he died of cancer, and he had changed his name to "Stanley Cassels" (one L).
  • Edward Kisielus, born July 1919, died May 1920
  • Monica Kisielus, born Oct 1920, Nov 1921
  • Katre Kisielus, born Sept 1921, Nov 1921
  • Bernadas Kisielus, born Jan 1923, no death record found
  • Alexander Kisielus, born Feb 1925, Oct 1925

Monica and Katre died within 24 hours of each other, barely a year after Edward, all from gastroenteritis.  I can't imagine how traumatic that must have for 11 year old Margaret, 8 year old Jonas, and 6 year old Stasis.  They would have been acutely aware of their own mortality, and reminded of it just a few years later when Alexander died of pneumonia.  Not to mention that their father also died (of a stroke) just a few years after that.

My time before the archive closed was limited, so I only had time to trace the lineage from one of the children completely.  Stasis / "Stanley" had two children, one of which had a son, who himself has two young children.  They were living in Glasgow just a few years ago when the kids were born, so hopefully I will be able to make contact (just a quick search in the phonebook showed that they're not listed).  I will need to go back to the archive to fully trace the lineage from Margaret and Jonas/"John" Jr.

The trail went cold for the last child, Bernadas, so I'll need to do some further searching on him.  He didn't have a death record or a marriage record, which could mean one of a few things:  he changed his name and the records aren't cross referenced as they usually are with "Kisielus" as a former name, he emigrated before marriage, he died overseas (he was the right age to have fought in WWII), or he never married and is still living!  He'd be about 90, and as doubtful as that is, it would be incredible if it happens to be true.

Lots more searching to do.  AND I need to see the Lithuanian records for myself to be sure that I really am connected to Jonas.

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