25 June 2013

The Life of Alfred Leitner

I haven't yet, on this blog, mentioned anything about the Leitner branch of my family tree, which is odd because it was with my grandfather, Alfred, that I probably was the closest.  I just haven't had the time to dig into his family tree, and partly because I'm not certain where to start with Austrian records.  He was born there, into a Jewish family, and fled the Nazis in 1938 (or 1939).  The reason I'm posting this now is because I've just come across an interview he gave to the Center for Jewish History about his life and fleeing the holocaust.  The audio is available here:  http://access.cjh.org/348846.  It was a real treat to discover this, as I hadn't heard it until now.  I vaguely remember him mentioning having done it, but I didn't realize it was available online.  The stories are, for the most part, very familiar to me, but it was really great to be able to hear them again.

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