21 June 2013

More Kisielius / Cassells

I was back at the monthly evening session at the Scotland's People archive last night.  My objective this time was to continue to fill out the tree of descendants from Jonas and Magde, as I believe I'm connected to the group through Jonas.  Last time I was able to trace the line through Stasis "Stanley" Cassels (one L) to a family currently living in Glasgow.  This time I traced the line from Jonas "John" Cassells (two Ls) to a family right here in Edinburgh!  Despite the differing spellings (one L or two), I know these families are connected because John and Stanley have the same parents:

John Cassells (two Ls), son of Jonas Kisielus and Magde Pausziute

Stanley Cassels (one L), also the son of Jonas Kisielus and Magde Pausziute

As long as the Lithuanian documents check-out, I've been living within walking distance of cousins for nearly three years now!  I could well have bumped into them walking down the street!

What I found was that John had 6 children, 5 of which survived:  Harry, Helen, Magdaline, John, and Hughina.  Their first child, also called Harry, died at just 3 days.  The second Harry, however, had two children in the 1960s, but I couldn't find any record of them after that.  They might have moved away from Scotland.  Harry died just last year, unfortunately.  Harry's sister, Helen, is the matriarch of the family currently in Edinburgh.  Once I get a hold of the Lithuanian records, I'll definitely try to make contact.  The other three children, Magdaline, John, and Hughina didn't turn up in any other searches.  Two were married, but they don't appear to have had children - at least not in Scotland.

There's still one more daughter of Jonas and Magde, Margaret (1910-1947), but I ran out of time to get anywhere with that.  Margaret married Samuel Rutherford, and they had at least one child, William John Rutherford.  Rutherford is such a common name that it will take a fair bit of searching to trace the rest of that branch.  A job for next time.

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