28 April 2013

Uncle John

Using the information from the Lithuanian records I mentioned in the last post, I've been able to make more connections in the Scottish records!!  It wasn't where I was expecting it though.  I was expecting to be able to identify records of Kazimiras's brothers, but I actually found records of his uncle!  (NOTE:  as I said in the last post, I haven't yet seen the Lithuanian documents myself, so even though I'm confident they're accurate, I won't be certain about what's said below until I get them).

On one of my trips to the Scotland's People archive, I indiscriminately downloaded as many Kisielius records as I could in the minutes before closing in the hope that I'd be able to connect them up at home later on.  I wasn't able to at that time, but I decided to have another look today.  What I found was this:

John Kiselius, died 23 May 1928
Widower of Magde Pauziute

It's the death record for a John Kiselius.  His parents are listed as Piotras Kiselius and Ona Mikoliute.  The spellings aren't precise, but they're close enough as to sound almost exactly the same ("Kis-e-l-ius" vs "Kisielius" and "Mikulyte" vs "Mikoliute").  Odds are he's the brother of Mykolas, my 2x-great-grandfather.  I will need to confirm that Petras/Piotras and Ona had another son that matches the age of this John, before I'm ready to be certain though.  But if that's true, I'm connected distantly to something really tragic.

John and Magde had at least 5 children die in infancy.  Another died in her 30s, and another died in his 40s.  It's hard to imagine what that must have been like for them.  And it's hard to imagine that sort of thing happening in the developed world so recently!

I'll need to make a trip back to the archive to look at their records specifically now that I know there's a likely connection.  I don't think I've yet looked at any of their birth or marriage records.  There's a chance the lineage could continue to another living group!

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