05 April 2013

Scottish Diaspora Tapestry

I just learned of the fantastic Scottish Diaspora Tapestry project.  They're starting a project to chronicle the spread of Scottish heritage around the globe.  I was delighted to find that they plan to include the connection between Scotland and Lithuania on the tapestry and are looking for people with Scottish-Lithuanian heritage to be involved.  I've already offered to play a part.  I'll probably be most useful for the "stories" and "research" steps (if I haven't already missed those parts), but they do say that, for the stitching, "no experience is necessary, only enthusiasm!", so we'll see.

This is what I sent in my initial email:
This is a great project! I viewed the Presontonpans Tapestry a while back and it was fantastic. I'm from Scottish-Lithuanian roots, and I'd be keen to be involved in the project. To give a brief synopsis of my family's story, my Scottish-Lithuanian ancestors lived in Glasgow about 100 years ago before the (scarcely remembered) Anglo-Russian Military Convention. When that went into force, the family was split apart and my branch re-settled in Lithuania. They were displaced again at WWII and settled in the US, which is where I was born. A couple years back I was admitted to study for a PhD at Edinburgh Uni without any knowledge that my Lithuanian ancestors had been here. It was just by chance that my elderly gran mentioned that we might still have relatives here, which (after a fair bit of family history research) turned out to be the case. I've since reconnected with the Scottish branch of the family, who were equally surprised and delighted to learn they had Lithuanian-American relatives.

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