18 October 2012

Other Deportations

After writing the last post, I realized that the records description says they of deportations taking place after the revolution of 1917.  So they may not be of the 1100 Lithuanians deported to fight with the Russians.  They may, however, contain the names of the women and children that were deported later on (in 1920).  These people were the dependents of the men who were not allowed to return (what an injustice!), and they likely include my great-grandmother Zose and my great-uncle Kazimiras Jr.  One of the other forum contributors is planning to go check them out at Kew next week.  Can't wait to hear what he finds!

There also appears to be a second batch of documents that may be relevant:
Home Office: Registered Papers, Supplementary. Nationality and Naturalisation. ALIENS (see also Nationality and Naturalisation): Repatriation of Russian political refugees and deportation of undesirable Poles and Russians after the revolution of 1917.
Collection: Records created or inherited by the Home Office, Ministry of Home Security, and related bodies
Date range: 01 January 1919 - 31 December 1931
Reference: HO 144/13340
Subjects: Nationality, Refugees

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