21 April 2017

Lile's Stories

This morning I had a really nice visit with Lile (Elvira) Oslapas, former sister-in-law to my močiute. I am in New York City for work and I took the opportunity to take the train up to Old Greenwich for a few hours to hear more about her experiences as a child fleeing from the second Soviet invasion of Lithuania. I met her a couple years back at the Apanavičuis family reunion. My močiute was married to her older brother Vytautas, who died from a stroke during WWII.

Tete Lile and me

She was able to fill in many details about my grandmother and her time in Displaced Persons Camps after the War. It was so incredible to hear the stories. I had heard pieces of them before, but never in such detail and never in such clear English. In the later years, močiute's memory was very foggy and her English had declined. I was able to record Lile's stories and will hopefully be able to recount some of them here. We were only able to scratch the surface. I really must make a return visit and record more. And I must do the same to record her surviving brother and sister's stories too. Maybe later this year...

1 comment:

  1. Brett,
    I was a Lithuanian school teacher in NY and Elvyra was the principal. I came across this blog by chance. It's wonderful!
    I do hope she is still alive. I loved working with her. She was a very elegant and classy lady. This was back in the early 70s.
    Maryte (Sandanavicius) Newsom marytens@hotmail.com
