20 February 2014

Tapestry Design

I haven't posted any updates about the Scottish Diaspora Tapestry since my first post about it, but I've been in intermittent contact with the coordinators. I've been offering my take on the Lithuanian "reverse diaspora" to Scotland, and the subsequent deportations under the Anglo-Russian Military Convention. I've emphasized the importance of the treaty to the fate of Lithuanian community in Scotland because it was really what lead to it's decline. And it actually connects to the diaspora theme better than anything else, considering that people like my great-uncle Kazimiras were Scottish-born and ended up having to leave.

I'm glad to say that they've included it in the design. They even offered to do an entire second panel dedicated to the treaty, but they're short on stitchers and I can't devote the time to it right now. Anyhow they sent a preliminary design and I'm quite happy with it.

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