13 November 2013

A Phone Call

On Monday I sent a letter to one of the descendants of Jonas and Magda, Helen, a "second-cousin, twice-removed", explaining the connection between us. She called me back this morning. I was really pleased to find that she seemed quite interested in the family history! And it sounds as though she knows a good bit more information. She remembers Magda, and she said her father even spoke Lithuanian. She also said she has Jonas's identity card from his time in the White Army. I'll be really interested to know more about that, since it could be relevant to why his branch of family was able to remain in Scotland. I believe my great-grandfather Kazimiras was denied re-entry to Scotland after being sent away to the north of Russia during WWI (those that couldn't "prove loyalty" using such documents weren't allowed back in). It is, I believe, the reason my branch of the family left Scotland and re-settled in Lithuania.

Helen is getting in contact with some of her relatives that, she thinks, know more. Hopefully I'll fill in even more of the story.

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