30 November 2014

Some Reflections

These are some reflections on the information that was in the documents from Germany.

One of the documents (TD2285115.pdf, pg 6-7) was a register of people in the village of Plattling, Germany. Tevuk appears on the list at 25 Preisingplatz on 24 May 1945. There's a really interesting entry in Wikipedia about a battle that took place on 26 April 1945. I wonder if Tevuk was there and if he witnessed any of it (I wish I could ask him!). I also wonder if the building at 25 Preisingplatz is still there (google doesn't have streetview for this little village). There was a concentration camp at Plattling as well, which appears to have held more than Jewish prisoners. Is this possibly the Nazi camp that Tevuk told about? Or was he in hiding at 25 Preisingplatz? I recall vividly his stories of being on the verge of starving. There's also a story about a stolen pig, hidden on the second floor from Nazi soldiers in the family folklore. I wonder if it was at 25 Preisingplatz. The Wikipedia entry for Plattling also mentions a ceremony held for American veterans in May 2011, so there's clearly a strong local history community in this village. I wonder if they might be able to help. I should look into it more.

Chute shows up in records from the villages of Klingenbrunn and Spiegelau with the family of her first husband, Vytautas Apanavičuis. He's not listed with them, so they must be from after he had died in Dec 1944. Both villages are about 60km from Plattling, so I'm not certain where she met Tevuk. She is registered by herself in Bamberg (from Oct 1944 to June 1945), which according to the documents in TD2284935.pdf is where Vytautas was in the hospital until he died. There is a marriage record for her and Tevuk on 27 Aug 1945 in Munich. There is no record of Tevuk being in Bamberg.

By December 1945 they are in a displaced persons camp in Wolterdingen with Kitty and Chute's parents. There's a card showing that they emigrated to the US on 15 June 1949 by flight, with 1-year-old uncle Charlie. Chute would have been pregnant with my dad.

The DP Registration cards for both Chute and Tevuk (TD2285114.pdf, pg13; TD2285115.pdf, pg10) show they were at "Assembly Center No.: 6dpac". I wonder where this is. Is there more information about this place? Possibly a written history? Their "Displaced Person Statistical Cards" (TD2285114.pdf, pg17; TD2285115.pdf, pg12) both show that they were at "251 D.P. Assembly Centre, Wolterdingen n.Soltau".

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