28 December 2011


This blog was started when I began to research my genealogical history. On numerous occasions, I found myself wishing that my ancestors had recorded even just the basic information about their relatives. Small pieces of information can unfold into quite a lot when you're able to locate a record match. It's incredible what little knowledge we have of people any older than our own grandparents. The simplest family trees would make genealogical research a mere matter of connecting them all up. This blog comes from that idea. I will document here my family tree (and stories) to the greatest extent possible, on the off chance that 100 years from now somebody has a curiosity about who we were and where we came from. I don't expect this blog to be of interest to the vast majority of those who may stumble across it (I come from modest stock), but I'm not creating it because I think many others will be interested in reading. Mostly, it's something I've created for myself.

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