15 September 2013

Lithuanian State Historical Archive

The first few days I was in Lithuania, I went into the State Historical Archive. It was less fruitful than I had hoped, but I did get some important information. Mostly, I just figured out how the place worked. Next time I go I'll be much better prepared, including having some basic knowledge of Russian (e.g. an understanding of the Cyrillic alphabet). Many of the documents I need are written in Russian.

Sadly, there are almost no surviving records for Vilkaviškis**, so I'll be hard pressed to find out much more about the Kisielius lineage. On the upside, there appears to be quite a lot of documents for Počiuneliai (the church closest to my grandfather's childhood farm near Mitriunai), so I should be able to get a fair bit about the Matulis and Kemešis groups. I didn't look into Krekenava yet because I wasn't aware that the families sometimes went to this larger church.

The information that I did get at the archive will have to be posted later because I don't have the time right now. But below are the lists of records that exist for Počiuneliai. I'll need to come back to these later when I'm planning what to look at on my next visit.

Births 1865-1915
Marriages 1909-1915
Deaths 1800-1801; 1865-1915

Births, Marriages, and Deaths 1916-1923

Births, Marriages, Deaths 1924-1939

Records have to be order the day before you wish to look at them. And I believe 10 books can be requested at once. There is a small form that must be filled in there to request the books, but they may also be request by emailing either of the address on the card below.

** the archive does have the following Vilkaviškis records:
  • deaths 1922-1938
  • marriages 1922-1938
  • births 1810-1812; 1922-1938
** some of the index pages are listed here: https://www.facebook.com/pajevonys.wizajny/photos_albums.

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